$97.00 USD

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Assert Your Awesome

Inside Assert Your Awesome, I will teach you how to help your clients make the right outfit decisions without being a pushy, awkward weirdo 😜
Learn how to confidently (and courageously) have the necessary conversations to take your client's style from pathetic to a perfect 10.
Here's what we'll cover:
  • How I set the tone for how I speak to clients BEFORE we start working together
  • How to understand your client's personal style journey and evolution - knowing how to access this understanding changes the whole game when it comes to client communication
  • When to stand your ground and when to back down during high-stakes outfit decisions (yes, those scenarios exist)
  • How to assert your dominance without being an asshole
  • How to make your client think your brilliant style idea was their own (and why you need this trick in your toolbox)
  • How to know when the client is no longer a fit (and how to let them go gracefully)
  • How to be an advocate for your client's style and the goals attached to their transformation
  • How to earn your client's trust and respect as a stylist - even if you're new
  • And so much more!

What My Students Are Saying: