The Virtual Stylist Toolkit
Lookbook templates and training videos designed to WOW your virtual clients.
Styling Fundamentals
Master the systems and processes behind becoming a stylist from the ground up.
Social Media For Stylists
Zero Dollar Advertising Training +Ā Social Media Resource Book Bundle.Ā
Other Digital Courses + Tools to Grow Your Styling Business
Ā For both established and aspiring Personal Stylists.

Mother F*cking MagneticĀ 
Learn how to attract clients using your greatest marketing tool ... YOU!
Elevate Your Taste
Learn how to elevate your style, business, and bank account through style.
Assert Your Awesome
Help your clients make styling decisions without being pushy or awkward.
Style Reinvention Experience
Reinvent your Style. Reinvent Yourself. Take you and your style from good to great.
Okay, Body!
Give your clients' body confidence through style, science, and mindset.
Positioned For Prosperity
Access to the tools Lauren has used to go from unemployment to a multi-million-dollar stylist.
StyleĀ Boss Academy
Make money shopping, styling, and helping people feel the best they ever have.
Strike A Pose
A Stylistā€™s guide to Flawless fitting photos.
Content Creation KIT
Content Prompts, categories, checklists, and more to streamline your content creation.